And a time to every purpose

I haven't written in a few days, namely because I have been out of town (Memphis and Nashville) and visiting with friends.  It was a super eventful--almost too eventful, but I can sum it up with one simple thought: Anytime nothing is something, that's everything.  I had the absolute best time sitting on the couch with Ken or curled up on the cloud with Ne and Kate just talking. It was interesting for me to sit back and reflect on the fact that the partying, the drinking, the hot-spot was all secondary to quality time with people I love.  I actually wish I had gotten to do more of that in Memphis, but we were celebrating a birthday so it was a bit of a different situation.

I also began looking at me and P2AD a little bit differently.  I talked to him about a particular situation that really broke my heart a bit, and he was amazingly supportive through it.  It just reminded me that at the core of everything we really are friends and I can still go to him with things.  Even though he didn't use my language, he told me to let it go.  It made me happy that we may express ourselves differently but we can understand one another and even support one another.

I read recently that "Patience is how you act when you're waiting".  Lately, I have had small things aid snafus, losing the condo I loved and having to find another, having to find a car, getting blessed with another opportunity to teach yet not having time...etc. Things that would have previously really sent me into a tailspin, but I have been calm. I have really been finding myself (in those moments) grasping for reasons to say thank you. Immediately it is like your pulse slows and stops racing, your breath gets richer, you are okay. And you can focus on how this thing, this irritant is just a moment...a blip in a lifetime.  That was the last 60 seconds, this minute is another opportunity to give thanks to be appreciative.

I really have been saying affirmations of thanks every single morning for quite some time and when I tell you things happen ON TIME, I mean it. They happen as if they were scripted to happen at exactly the moment of need.  It is so amazing that I know it can only be a product of divine doing.  Its humbling, and its so worthy of reverence.

Day2DayJess J.Comment