Listening the first time
I am horrible at that. Full disclosure, I have a hard-head and have to be told things more than once before I listen. To my credit, as I have gotten older the number of times I have to be told has lessened to an inordinate amount to just a handful, but I am aiming to listen the first time. That requires a level of trust that I consciously work towards, daily. I was reading this book recommended to me by Nama called Astrology for the Soul by Jan Spiller which explores the North Nodes. My North Node is in Gemini, and among the many very insightful things I read the one that made me laugh out loud the loudest was this:
One of the best ways Gemini North Node people can experience the integration they're seeking is through the process of writing--a journal, books, articles, etc.--on a regular basis...Writing calms their internal restlessness, releasing the tension and anxiety in a form that brings them peace.
These folks are extremely talented writers, though they may not recognize this until much later when they look back over what they have written. They have an ability to clarify thoughts on paper in a simple way that actually communicates far beyond the words.
Fitting, right? I mean, honestly tell me something I didn't know. Though it was funny to see it written on paper. Validation is a sneaky little thing. The next thing was this:
In this incarnation, Gemini North Node people are here to teach. They are here to bring Truths, principles, and practical application of ethics into society...If they let go of their ideas of Truth and really listen, they will automatically tune in to the other person's belief systen and spontaneously say--through a sincere question or a new piece of information -those words that will shift the perspective for both of them to a fresh recognition of Truth...As teachers, these folks have to divorce themselves from prejudicial viewpoints and allow the other person to think freely, without trying to guide the other to a conclusion that's identical with their own...When they act as true teachers, these folks behave in a way that creates a win/win situation for everyone.
This was something I closed the book on. Not literally, but it was one of those "okay okay, I'm listening," moments. When I was in high school my step-dad first told me, "You're going to go to college, major in psychology and be a college professor." To which I scoffed, at the time I wanted to be the editor of a fashion magazine--I can say that writing has been a constant for me since I was about 8 years old. Then, when I (of course) went to college and majored in psychology I hated that he was even a little bit right. Hard head.
After college, I sought opportunities to develop my creative impulses with photography and event planning, but the attention to detail worked against my natural ability to see the big picture and I hated it. After working at Verizon and having people yell at me all day, I figured I should be getting paid for being a damn therapist. So off I went, to be a therapist. Got my masters and decided, well hell why stop there? Once I got to my doctoral program, I do not remember at which event it was but Dr. Nash told me that I should really consider the full-time faculty route--to which I scoffed. I.Am.A.Practitioner. I am not an academic. I keep saying this, but at this point I'm talking to no one because clearly...I'm in a doctoral program, I am (at least partially) an academic.
Then, of course, there is the obvious fact that I am teaching right now. Two classes. Then today, the sign of all signs, after just reading this book and that passage about teaching, and just having a conversation about it all with Mass Elle, my Assistant Dean comes down to my office to tell me that I was approved to teach with Dr. Nash in a Global Study course (Multicultural Counseling) in Jamaica next summer. Need I say more? Hard head.
So at this point, I feel that I have to stop saying what I'm not going to do, because clearly God has had plans for me since the beginning. Psalm 139.
I will say this, its amazing to me how things fall into place. I know by now I should not be surprised or even the least bit dazzled but it is still so amazing. As I have further affirmation that "shutting up" is not in my plans, I will continue to be as open, as expressive, as gracious as ever. And of course, never shy about the knowing and sharing from whom all blessings flow. (According to the book, in my past life I was one of those religious gurus on a mountaintop--lol, I doubt anyone is surprised by that either)