Just like earth


I'd been asking the question all week and weekend, "what am I missing?" "what am I not seeing?" "what is it that you are trying to teach me, God?" Over and over again I posed the questions or some variation of them only to fall on deaf ears and to wake up day after day with the same knots in my stomach and pain in my lower back. Why am I always being forced into this corner of financial strife and having to rely on absolute faith in its purest form just to get from one moment to the next, clearly I am missing something, but I was ready to learn the lesson and move on. WHAT IS IT THAT I AM MISSING I felt like I was demanding the answer now. So naturally, I pulled cards.

In the midst of my current financial mess I thought I'd get some spiritual insight and suffled until it felt like I was done. I asked two questions, the first was, "What do I need to learn?" and the card I pulled was "keeping still". The second question I asked was "what am I missing?" And the card I pulled was the "taming power of the great." I go to read about the 2nd card and got to the 1st line b4 I got a total chill and tears came. It says, "the taming influence here is the ability to remain aware while being "tested" by circumstance. How able are you to hold firm to your ideals and maintain your integrity in the face of challenges that threaten to break down your resolve?" I curled over and began to hug myself. I've been sharing with my best friends how awful I've been feeling. Not even the situation itself, but the cyclical nature of these issues. I am missing something! So when I read this I was shaken.

Last night I told my Person that I worry so much about trying to be responsible and this makes me look frivolous and messy. The card says, literally: once you begin to sweat the small stuff its likely that you will cling like crazy to something and have started to think that thing is part of the definition of who you are." That was exactly it. I was so caught up in needing to be responsible. Grown up. That even when things happened beyond my control I experienced it as a blow to Self. However, the truth is I am not my checking account balance. I am not my credit score. I am not my weight, my height, my gpa, or any other number.


Mass Elle wrote to me and said, "it's almost silly if you think about it - *obviously* you are more than your bank account!" Isn't it the truth? Then I read my i'ching

It said I would literally have to uproot this belief because the corruption was so engrained. Uproot...to unearth, to literally dig out from the very foundation. What an opportunity. To burrow deep within my own soil to uproot this belief that numbers define me.

And then to do as my first card suggested and keep still. Stand tall and erect like the mountains whose peaks reside in the heavens gazing out on all that surrounds us but doing so in stillness.