after careful thought...

The answer to every question you have is right there. Just be quiet, and listen.  Then move forward without hesitation or fear. Trust yourself. Your Self. The God that dwells within you. 

Disrobe your fear. Dress instead in faith accessorize with grace and forgiveness. 

Love yourself. Be in love with your reflection. It is essential to your survival and your thriving. 

All things in their time. And if never at all, trust they were never supposed to come to pass. 

Hold hands. Figuratively or literally. We are not islands and support is sometimes this most precious gift of all. 

Be kind. Speak love. Live so that tomorrow you can be just as proud of the person you were as the person you will be. 

Take chances. Your heart knows the way forward, your head only knows where you've been before. 

Smile at strangers. Play with animals. Hug children and kiss your loved ones. Leave this earth with seeds of your love scattered in all four corners.  

Be yourself. Speak your truth. Feel the sun on your skin every day. Take a deep breath of the wind to keep your fire ignited. 

Hold back none of your passion. In the end, be empty. Make sure you use it all. 

Day2DayJess J.Comment