The Dissertation: Calling All San Diego Fat Women!
Academic MeJess J.appearance bias, communities of fat women, communities of women, community, curvy women, eff your beauty standards, eff your body standards, fat, fat women, feminism, HAES, healthy at any size, healthy at every size, plus is equal, plus size, relational cultural therory, san diego fat women, thick women, voluptuous women
Day2DayJess, confidence, feminism, feminist, misogyny, patriarchy, purpose, self worth, standards of beauty, value, women, worth
The lynching of pretty
So you want to be a feminist...
The Scarlett Johanssoning of Grace Jones
Why I wasn't a feminist and why I am now
Day2DayJess J.Beyonce, black women, expectation, feminism, feminist, social justice, society, white women, women, women's rights
Skinny is not a compliment and Social Justice is exhausting
Day2DayJess J.america, assumptions, body acceptance, body positive, context, conversations, culture, dialogue, discourse, empathy, fat studies, feminism, ideals, questioning, self love, skinny, social justice, women's studies
Barefoot at the defense or Call of the Torchbearer
Academic Me, How To Eat An ElephantJess J.academe, academia, apa, change, connection, creativity, dissertation, feminism, from oppression to grace, innovation, menthia clark, patriarchy, phd, philosophy, research, social convention, writing
Red Nails
Fat is the new Black
Day2DayJess J.abercrombie & fitch, brides, fat, feminism, forgiveness, hatred, Love, racism, self love, sexism, weight