The Dissertation: Calling All San Diego Fat Women!
Academic MeJess J.appearance bias, communities of fat women, communities of women, community, curvy women, eff your beauty standards, eff your body standards, fat, fat women, feminism, HAES, healthy at any size, healthy at every size, plus is equal, plus size, relational cultural therory, san diego fat women, thick women, voluptuous women
F is for Fat
Losing at Losing or Forever Fat
The Fat Woman breaking point
Day2DayJess J.body difference, dissertation, fat, fat studies, fat women, fatspo, HAES, health, obese, obesity, overweight, phd, thinspo, weight, women's studies
Fat is the new Black
Day2DayJess J.abercrombie & fitch, brides, fat, feminism, forgiveness, hatred, Love, racism, self love, sexism, weight
A Letter to Fat Girls
How to Lose 100lbsJess J.eating right, fat, fitness, health, healthy, honesty, living well, Love, self love, weight, weight loss, women