Losing at Losing or Forever Fat
Train tracks
Holding Hands
Day2DayJess J.beauty, confidence, feminism, feminist, misogyny, patriarchy, purpose, self worth, standards of beauty, value, women, worth
Selma, Atlanta, And Standing on Giants
Day2DayJess J.america, atlanta, black america, Black family, black men, black women, Civil Rights, Civil Rights Movement, David Oyelowo, Selma
What it Means to Love Yourself
Day2DayJess J.acceptance, blame, drum circle, elizabeth gilbert, flaws, forgiveness, imperfection, judgment, leadership, learning, Liz Gilbert, Love, perfection, self love, shame, vulnerability
On Becoming Basquiat
Day2DayJess J.art, artist, artistry, Beyonce, inner peace, intuition, Oprah, purpose, writers, writing
The Fat Woman breaking point
Day2DayJess J.body difference, dissertation, fat, fat studies, fat women, fatspo, HAES, health, obese, obesity, overweight, phd, thinspo, weight, women's studies
Yasher Koach
In loving memory of Dr. Linda Painter
Is this 30?
2015: "Love"
10 questions to ask yourself before 2015
Christmas with The Wils
The Day I did the thing you're NEVER supposed to do